
Conference papers and abstracts | Yuichi's website

Conference papers

  • 鈴木尚也、澤畑博人、赤井大輔、山下幸司、沼野利佳、鯉田孝和、竹内雄一、河野 剛士、超音波ニューロモジュレーション用発振回路の製作、 第40回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム. 7P2-PS-25. 07 Nov 2023.
  • Xu Y, Yoshida K, Takeuchi Y, Toward non-invasive, precise control of internal organs via ultrasound neuromodulation of the autonomic nervous system. Proc. SPIE 12608, Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference, 126081O. 20 Sep 2023. DOI:   PDF 

Abstracts (International)

  • 2024
    25th August

    TRPC6 is a mechanosensitive channel essential for ultrasound neuromodulation in mammalian brain

    6:00 pm
    Location: Waterville valley, USA

    Gordon Research Conference: In Vivo Ultrasound Imaging 2024

    Takeuchi Y

  • 2023
    29th October

    Reinstating olfactory bulb derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents. The 2nd International Symposium Hyper-Adaptability

    3:30 pm
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    The 2nd International Symposium Hyper-Adaptability

    Li Q,  Takeuchi Y, Wang J, Gellért L, Barcsai L, Pedraza LK, Nagy AJ, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Horváth G, Kékesi G, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A

  • 2023
    21st April

    Toward non-invasive, precise control of internal organs via ultrasound neuromodulation of the autonomic nervous system

    3:20 pm
    Location: Yokohama, Japan


     Xu Y, Yoshida K, Takeuchi Y

  • 2022
    15th November

    A neural basis of decision-making under conflicting predictions of reward and punishment

    1:00 pm
    Location: San Diego, U.S.A.

    Neuroscience 2022

    Yoshida K, Chan M, Li Q, Pedraza L, Sierra R, Minami M, Berényi A, Takeuchi Y

  • 2022
    13th November

    Reinstating olfactory bulb derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents

    1:00 pm
    Location: San Diego, U.S.A.

    Neuroscience 2022

    Li Q, Takeuchi Y, Wang J, Barcsai L, Pedraza KL, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A

  • 2022
    13th November

    Controlling pathologic fear expression through closed-loop brain stimulation.

    8:00 am
    Location: San Diego, U.S.A.

    Neuroscience 2022

    Sierra RO, Pedraza LK, Barcsai L, Peijin A, Kozák G, Takeuchi Y, Lőrincz M, Berényi A

  • 2022
    28th January

    Controlling pathological fear expression through closed-loop brain stimulation

    1:00 pm
    Location: Budapest, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2022

    Barcsai L, Sierra R, Pedraza L, Lakos B, Pejin A, Kozák G, Takeuchi Y, Földi T, Lőrincz M, Berényi A

  • 2022
    27th January

    Reinstating olfactory bulb derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression

    2:00 pm
    Location: Budapest, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2022

    Li Q, Takeuchi Y, Wang J, Barcsai L, Pedraza KL, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Lőrincz ML, Berényi A

  • 2020
    12th July

    Controlling fear expression through closed-loop intervention: Sharp-waves ripples triggering medial forebrain bundle stimulation enhance extinction and induce long-lasting fear attenuation

    10:30 am
    Location: Glasgow, UK

    FENS Meeting 2020

    Pedraza L, Sierra R, Takeuchi Y, Kozák G, Peijin A, Berényi A

  • 2020
    12th July

    The metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 regulates development and maintenance of lemniscal synaptic connectivity through cortical activity in the somatosensory thalamus

    10:30 am
    Location: Glasgow, UK

    FENS Meeting 2020

    Narushima M, Yagasaki Y, Takeuchi Y, Aiba A, Miyata M

  • 2020
    30th January

    A closed-loop proxy-intervention of epileptic seizures

    12:00 pm
    Location: Szeged, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2020 (#89) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Harangozó M, Pedraza L, Földi T, Kozák G, Berényi A

  • 2020
    30th January

    The functional role of altered olfactory network synchrony in the development of depression

    12:00 pm
    Location: Szeged, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2020 (#87) Poster

    Li Q, Takeuchi Y, Kozák G, Ohsawa M, Harangozó M, Berényi A

  • 2020
    30th January

    Closed-loop manipulation of hippocampal ripples reduce persistent fear expression in animal model of posttraumatic-stress disorder

    12:00 pm
    Location: Szeged, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2020 (#86) Poster

    Pedraza L, Sierra R, Takeuchi Y, Kozák G, Peijin A, Barcsai L, Berényi A

  • 2020
    30th January

    Coding of self-motion-induced and self-independent visual motion in the rat dorsomedial striatum

    12:00 pm
    Location: Szeged, Hungary

    IBRO Workshop 2020 (#84) Poster

    Nagy A, Takeuchi Y, Berényi A

  • 2019
    29th March

    Automated, closed-loop stimulation of the medial septum alleviates temporal lobe epilepsy in rats

    3:00 pm
    Location: Kobe, Japan

    The 9th FAOPS Congress (Abstract #: 1P-281) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Harangozó M, Pedraza L, Földi T, Kozák G, and Berényi A.

  • 2018
    7th December

    Closed-loop stimulation of the medial septum alleviates temporal lobe epilepsy in rats

    5:50 pm
    Location: Okazaki, Japan

    The 49th NIPS International Symposium (Abstract #: P24) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Harangozó M, Pedraza L, Földi T, Kozák G, and Berényi A.

  • 2018
    14th July

    Electrophysiological evaluations of reorganized nervous systems

    10:00 am
    Location: Budapest, Hungary

    The PCS 3rd Global Cell Science and Stem Cell Conference (Abstract #2 in Stem Cell and Stem Cell Therapy) Oral, Invited

    Takeuchi Y

  • 2017
    13th November

    Processing of passive and motion-induced visual percepts in the rat dorsomedial striatum

    8:00 am
    Location: Washington DC, USA

    The 47th SfN Annual Meeting (Abstract #313.14) Poster

    Nagy A, Takeuchi Y, Berényi A

  • 2016
    16th November

    Spatially focused, non-invasive, fast pulse electrical stimulation of the brain

    2:00 pm
    Location: San Diego, USA

    The 46th SfN Annual Meeting (Abstract #591.16) Poster

    Vöröslakos M, Brinyiczki K, Zombori T, Takeuchi Y, Oliva A, Fernández-Ruiz A, Iványi B, Buzsáki G, Berényi A

  • 2014
    17th November

    Functional synapse elimination plays a role in large-scale somatotopic refinement in the sensory thalamus of developing mice

    4:00 pm
    Location: Washington DC, USA

    The 44th SfN Annual Meeting (Abstract #398.04) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Katayama Y, Miyata M


  • 2014
    9th July

    Large-scale somatotopic refinement by synapse elimination in the whisker sensory thalamus of developing mice

    11:15 am
    Location: Milan, Italy

    The 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience (Abstract # FENS-1305) Poster

    Miyata M and Takeuchi Y

  • 2011
    14th July

    Peripheral sensory nerve transection-induced remodeling of afferent synapses in the somatosensory thalamus of mice

    10:00 am
    Location: Florence, Italy

    The 8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Abstract #: D063) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Nagumo Y, Miyata M

  • 2011
    15th November

    Synapse- and subtype-specific modulation of synaptic transmission by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the ventrobasal thalamus of juvenile mice

    3:00 pm
    Location: San Diego, USA

    The 40th SfN Annual Meeting (Abstract #: 442.7) Poster

    Nagumo Y, Takeuchi Y, Imoto K, Miyata M

  • 2011
    15th November

    Transection of the infraorbital nerve induces rewiring of afferent fibers in the somatosensory thalamus of mice

    8:00 am
    Location: San Diego, USA

    The 40th SfN Annual Meeting (Abstract #: 377.9) Poster

    Takeuchi Y, Nagumo Y, Katayama Y, Imoto K, Kawakami Y, Miyata M

  • 2009
    27th July

    Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on synaptic transmission in the ventrobasal thalamic complex

    10:00 am
    Location: Kyoto, Japan

    The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (Abstract #: P1AM-9-1) Poster

    Nagumo Y, Takeuchi Y, Kawakami Y, Imoto K, Miyata M

  • 2007
    7th June

    Pregabalin supraspinally activates the descending noradrenergic pain inhibitory system after peripheral nerve injury.

    10:00 am
    Location: Berlin, Germany

    The 2nd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (Abstract #: 166) Poster

    Tanabe M, Takeuchi Y, Takasu K, Ono H