
Projects | Yuichi's website

Closed-loop control of brain disorders / 脳活動操作による神経・精神疾患の制御

Many neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease, and psychiatric disorders, such as depression and addiction, are resistant to drug treatment, making their resolution a societal challenge. We view these disorders as disruptions in brain activity and are developing new methods to control their symptoms by manipulating brain activity with spatiotemporal specificity. 

Closed-loop control of epilepsy

Keywords: Closed-loop control, Real-time signal processing, Epilepsy, Depression, Neurological disorders, Psychiatric disorders


  • Sierra et al., Nat Commun 2023. PDF
  • Li and Takeuchi et al., Neuron 2023. PDF
  • Takeuchi et al., Front Behav Neurosci 2022. PDF
  • Takeuchi et al., Front Neural Circuits 2021. PDF
  • 竹内, Clin Neurosci 2021. PDF
  • Takeuchi et al., Brain 2021. PDF
  • Takeuchi and Berényi, Neurosci Res 2020. PDF

Non-invasive brain stimulation technology / 新しい非侵襲的脳刺激法の研究開発

Efficient manipulation of brain activity often involves inserting stimulating electrodes into brain tissue. However, inserting deep electrodes carries risks of brain hemorrhage and infection. Thus, even if new methods of disease control are discovered through invasive animal experiments, progressing to clinical research is challenging. Therefore, we are researching and developing methods to manipulate brain activity non-invasively from outside the skull by applying medical engineering technologies such as transcranial focused ultrasound irradiation and transcranial focused electrical stimulation.

Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation (TUS)

Keywords: Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation, Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation, Transcranial Focused Electrical Stimulation


  • Matsushita and Yoshida et al., PNAS 2024. PDF
  • 竹内、関、Clin Neurosci 2022. PDF
  • Vöröslakos, Takeuchi et al., Nat Commun 2018. PDF

Closed-loop control of the autonomic nervous system / 自律神経系の操作による疾患制御法の研究開発

We are developing new methods to control circulatory diseases such as heart failure and arrhythmia, and neurological and psychiatric disorders such as epilepsy and depression, by applying technologies to efficiently and effectively manipulate autonomic nervous system activity.

Closed-loop control of cardiac functions

Keywords: Heart rate, Set point, Ultrasound, Multi-sensory feedback


  • Xu Y, Yoshida K, Takeuchi YProc. SPIE 2023. PDF
  • 竹内、関、Clin Neurosci 2022. PDF

Neural basis of pathological decision-making / 適切な行動選択の神経基盤

Human and animal behaviors are motivated by internal desires. However, acting simply based on these desires may lead to social or economic disadvantages. Therefore, we predict the outcomes of our actions based on past experiences and act to maximize benefits for ourselves and our groups over time. We aim to elucidate the dynamics of neural circuits that enable context-appropriate behavioral choices.

Modeling of brain dynamics of decision-making. (A) Inverse network modeling using a machine learning. (B) Test of causal relationship between extracted brain dynamics and behavioral phenotypes.

Keywords: Prefrontal cortex, Motivation, Reward, Aversion, Limbic system, Oscillation, Cross-Spectral Factor Analysis, Schizophrenia, Addiction


  • 竹内Medical Science Digest 2020. PDF
  • Takeuchi and Berényi, Neurosci Res 2020. PDF

Large-scale computer simulation of neural circuit dynamics / 神経回路ダイナミクスの大規模シミュレーション

When examining the effects of brain stimulation or drug administration on neural circuit dynamics, the most direct approach is to record as much neural activity as possible from living tissues and animals, and conduct observational experiments with stimulation or drug administration. However, there are clear limitations to the range and number of neural circuits and cells that can be recorded simultaneously from living organisms. Thus, we build neural circuits consisting of thousands to tens of thousands of cells inside computers through programming and investigate the effects of brain stimulation or drug administration on neural circuit dynamics through simulations.

Keywords: NEURON simulator, Python, Brain stimulation, Membrane potential, Synaptic transmission, Oscillation